9 physical therapy exercises that can improve neck pain

Neck pain is a common complaint that can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. It can be caused by poor posture, muscle strain, injuries or underlying medical conditions. Occasionally, neck pain can extend into the shoulders. Neck and shoulder pain can have a...

Is cracking your neck bad for you? 7 things to know about neck cracking

You’ve probably cracked your neck many times throughout your life. While some people do it purposefully to help neck pain, others may do it by accident while turning in a certain direction. Regardless of how it occurs, neck cracking is bound to happen. But is it bad...

Can physical therapy exercises improve bursitis in the hips?

When your hips are in pain, every movement can make you wince. There are many potential causes for hip pain, such as muscle stiffness or lying down on your side for an extended period of time. But there’s also a type of inflammation that can cause hip pain and limited...

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Three signs that Kinesio taping could work for you

Three signs that Kinesio taping could work for you

Whether you’re watching beach volleyball, cycling or basketball, chances are you’ve seen athletes on TV or in person wearing brightly colored Kinesio tape. You may have even seen someone using it at the gym or the tennis court. You’re probably guessing it’s some sort...

At-home physical therapy treatments

At-home physical therapy treatments

When most people think of physical therapy, they probably think of in-office sessions with a clinician who performs stretches and movements with the patient. While this is indeed a key part of most treatment programs, did you know that at-home treatments are also...

What are the benefits of manual therapy?

What are the benefits of manual therapy?

Manual therapy is a fundamental part of physical therapy that involves an assortment of hands-on techniques to treat patients who are dealing with pain and limited mobility. Physical therapy can help patients who are dealing with a very wide range of problems,...

Suffering with Back Pain? Check Your Posture!

Suffering with Back Pain? Check Your Posture!

If you are like most people, you have had someone tell you to sit or stand up straight — probably during your teenage years. At the time, the demand was probably annoying and one you did your best to ignore. But it turns out that good posture is important for more...

Treatment for hamstring injuries

Treatment for hamstring injuries

The hamstrings are muscles on the back of each leg that run between the hips and knees. These long muscles are very susceptible to injury, especially due to muscle imbalances between the hamstrings and other muscles such as the quadriceps. Hamstring injuries can be...

Exercises for shoulder pain relief

Exercises for shoulder pain relief

Shoulder pain is an unfortunate problem for many athletes, weightlifters and people with physically demanding jobs. While it may seem counterintuitive, since physical activity is often the cause of shoulder pain, there are a number of targeted exercises that provide...

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