Is cracking your neck bad for you? 7 things to know about neck cracking

You’ve probably cracked your neck many times throughout your life. While some people do it purposefully to help neck pain, others may do it by accident while turning in a certain direction. Regardless of how it occurs, neck cracking is bound to happen. But is it bad...

How long does it take for a herniated disc to heal without surgery?

Surgery is usually a last resort for most injuries and medical conditions that can’t be efficiently treated by other methods. Many people naturally heal from their injuries over time, or their medical condition symptoms can be managed without the need for a surgical...

How long do herniated discs commonly take to heal without surgery?

A herniated disc is a troublesome condition that can be painful on its own, and it can also lead to pinched nerves that cause even more pain. In many cases, herniated discs will heal without surgery. How long this takes can vary, but in most cases, your recovery will...

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Three symptoms of a slipped disc in your neck

Three symptoms of a slipped disc in your neck

All of a sudden another car rear-ends you, and your head snaps back, leaving a feeling that something isn’t right in your neck. This is just one common scenario that can lead to a slipped disc in your neck. This issue is also called a herniated disc, and it’s when one...


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