Armor Physical Therapy Offers Degenerative Disc Treatment

If you are suffering from degenerative disc disease, you know how difficult it can be to complete day-to-day tasks due to pain. Because the lower back carries most of our body weight and goes through a lot of everyday stress and strain, lower back problems and...

Spinal Stenosis Treatment at Armor Physical Therapy

Spinal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spaces in the spine, which can lead to pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. Spinal stenosis is most commonly caused by changes in the spine as we age. Most patients who are diagnosed with spinal stenosis...

Four Benefits of Physical Therapy-Based Degenerative Disc Treatment

If you need degenerative disc treatment, one treatment option you should consider is physical therapy. Physical therapy may bring you four specific benefits. To realize these benefits, though, you'll need a high-quality physical therapy team. Armor Physical Therapy...

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Four signs you need neck pain treatment

Four signs you need neck pain treatment

Neck pain can have a wide range of causes, from sleeping in the wrong position to a serious injury related to a car crash. While minor cases can improve on their own and the most serious cases require immediate medical attention, in other situations it can be...


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