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Five conditions that could be the source of your balance issues
There are many issues that can affect your balance, and many of them cause symptoms like dizziness, vertigo and falls. Often, these symptoms occur together. They can also lead to some serious injuries. For instance, it’s reported that 1 out of 5 falls leads to a...
Two exercises to reduce upper back and shoulder blade pain
Our upper backs and shoulders take a lot more abuse than you might think, especially if you work at a desk all day. Repetitive activities and poor posture can easily lead to pain in the upper back and around the shoulder blade. Having pain in either or both of these...
How common is hip pain during pregnancy?
Hip pain is a very common issue during pregnancy. In fact, it’s reported that about 1 out of 3 three pregnant women will develop hip pain. The hips are large, complex joints, and the added weight of pregnancy can lead to more stress on your hips and pain. However,...
What are the treatment options for a partial rotator cuff tear?
Each of your shoulders is able to support the weight of your arms and power your arms for a wide range of activities thanks to the rotator cuffs. Each rotator cuff is a group of muscles, tendons and ligaments around the bones of the shoulder joint. These muscles,...
Three benefits of a running gait analysis
Do you feel pain while you’re running or after you run? Does your stride just feel a little off? If you said yes to one or both of these questions, you should consider having a running gait analysis from a physical therapist. Your gait is the way your body moves as...
How long do sciatica symptoms last?
The answer to this question can vary, but generally, acute sciatica symptoms take between one and two weeks to resolve. However, there are factors that can drastically affect how long sciatica symptoms last. Sciatica occurs when one of the sciatic nerves is being...
What can I do about hip pain during pregnancy?
You might have expected back pain or even pelvic pain during your pregnancy. Yet you might not have expected to have hip pain. However, you aren’t alone in experiencing this type of pain; medical researchers found that about 32% of women have hip pain during their...
What can cause shoulder and elbow pain at the same time?
Often, pushing yourself during a workout can lead to aching in your shoulder and elbow. Playing a high-impact sport can also leave these areas banged up and painful. Such issues will typically feel better after some rest. However, there are issues that cause shoulder...
Three reasons you should try virtual physical therapy during COVID quarantine
We’re coming up on the normal cold and flu season. Unfortunately, the U.S. is still struggling to cope with the coronavirus, and it’s been predicted that we could see a spike in COVID cases during this year’s cold and flu season. Such a spike could lead states to...
What is pelvic health physical therapy?
Pain in your lower back? Problems going to the bathroom? Feeling like you need to go to the bathroom more often? Painful intercourse? Recovering from birth? Pain during pregnancy? A problem with your pelvic floor can lead to these symptoms and many more. The pelvic...
Three benefits of hands-on physical therapy for people with chronic pain
Have you been feeling pain on most days this month? Has your pain been appearing frequently over the past three or more months? People who answered yes to these two questions are likely dealing with an issue called chronic pain. Most of us have dealt with acute pain....
Why good nutrition is key to strong athletic performance
It’s important for every person to understand how nutrition affects physical performance. Your body is depending on you to supply it with the necessary raw materials to conduct its countless everyday functions. Understanding the link between athletic performance and...
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