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Therapeutic exercises help with lower back pain treatment
Lower back pain is a common issue experienced by adults in the U.S., and you may have heard older people refer to this type of pain as lumbago. This type of pain is so common that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimated that more than 80% of adults...
Is spinal stenosis causing your back or neck pain?
You may think you’re having back or neck pain from a pulled muscle or some other simple injury. However, you may actually be suffering from a condition called spinal stenosis. If you’re experiencing back pain, neck pain or other symptoms, you may want to find out if...
What are the benefits of manual therapy?
Manual therapy is a fundamental part of physical therapy that involves an assortment of hands-on techniques to treat patients who are dealing with pain and limited mobility. Physical therapy can help patients who are dealing with a very wide range of problems,...
Three secrets to successful spinal stenosis treatment
Chronic back pain makes it difficult to live your life and enjoy your favorite activities. There are several different causes of back pain, and, fortunately, most of them can be treated with noninvasive methods. One condition that can benefit from noninvasive...
Treatment for hamstring injuries
The hamstrings are muscles on the back of each leg that run between the hips and knees. These long muscles are very susceptible to injury, especially due to muscle imbalances between the hamstrings and other muscles such as the quadriceps. Hamstring injuries can be...
Try Physical Therapy for These 5 Common Causes of Shoulder Pain
Physical therapy is a safe, effective and non-invasive treatment option that is designed to relieve pain resulting from a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, sports injuries, workplace injuries and more. Regular appointments with a physical therapist are ideal...
Back pain remedies to alleviate your pain
About 80 percent of Americans experience a back problem at some point in their life. Back pain can be triggered by strenuous activities such as weight lifting or gardening. The most effective way of alleviating back pain is a multifaceted approach that combines some...
Gait analysis in Kalamazoo, MI
For many patients, leg pain may develop slowly over time. The discomfort increases gradually enough that you don’t even notice the hitch in your step until someone else points it out to you. Getting a gait analysis performed is the first step in identifying the...
Lower back pain treatment
While the vast majority of people will experience some back pain in their life, not everyone will have the severe discomfort that causes them to seek lower back pain treatment. For those that do experience chronic back pain, finding relief can seem like a full-time...
Five options for spinal stenosis treatment
Your spine is responsible for a lot of important functions in your body. It helps support your upper body. Its flexibility allows you to bend and twist. And it houses the nerves that run from your head throughout the rest of your body. It’s normal to experience some...
Sinus headache treatment
Patients seeking sinus headache treatment often want nothing more than to relieve the pressure in their nasal passages that is causing pain. Sinus headaches usually appear when you are sick or have a cold. While there is no cure for the common cold, Armor Physical...
5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Put the Spring Back in Your Step!
Do you currently have an acute or chronic pain condition affecting your daily life? Maybe you’re struggling with back pain, a sports injury or impairments following an auto accident. Perhaps you have someone in your family who is experiencing pain and dysfunction....
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