Do compression socks help treat shin splints?

Do compression socks help treat shin splints?

If you are a highly active individual, you may sometimes overuse parts of your body. This can lead to health issues. In serious cases of injury, sports rehabilitation can help on your path to recovery. If your lower legs are overworked, you can end up with shin...
What can I do about neck pain when turning my head?

What can I do about neck pain when turning my head?

Unfortunately, it’s very likely that you will experience neck pain more than once in your life. Studies indicate that up to 65% of people recover from a neck pain episode within one year. However, many people experience neck pain episodes several times throughout...
5 stiff neck remedies you can do at home

5 stiff neck remedies you can do at home

Do you find yourself constantly battling with a stiff neck, turning everyday activities into daunting tasks? You’re not alone. At Armor Physical Therapy, we understand how limiting and frustrating neck stiffness can be. Neck pain is the fourth-leading cause of...