The shoulder is an important structure, and this is especially true when it comes to movements people make every day. An example is that the shoulder allows you to raise your arm over your head and grab a glass off a high kitchen shelf. It’s also vital to movements...
There are many types of accidents a person could be involved in on any given day. For example, you could get into a car accident on the way to work, or you could injure yourself in a workplace accident. No matter what type of accident you’re involved in, physical...
Without your neck, your head wouldn’t be able to move as much as it does. In fact, you would have to turn your whole body to look in a specific direction. The neck is also a complex structure, and it can be affected by many issues. One issue that commonly affects the...
The rotator cuff is a shoulder structure that’s made up of four muscles and tendons. This part of your shoulder is vital for moving your arm, and it also helps keep the upper arm bone firmly seated in the shoulder socket. When the rotator cuff is torn, surgery may be...
Why do my lower back and buttocks hurt? If this is a question you’ve been asking yourself, the answer is there are many issues that can cause pain in these areas. After all, both these structures are vital to routine activities like walking, standing and picking up...