Competing in a triathlon is one of the most demanding physical challenges you can undertake. A triathlon will test your strength, endurance and your will. If all of these are not in top shape, it will be difficult to reach the finish line. Triathletes usually follow a...
As we age, arthritis can begin to wear away the protective cartilage between bones and eventually cause patients to seek treatment for osteoarthritis-related diseases such as spinal stenosis. Once this cartilage wears away, bone growth may take its place to help...
It is wise to seek professional healthcare assistance when you’ve been injured or are suffering from pain. Healthcare professionals can diagnose the cause of your pain and develop treatments to help you recover. Many of these treatments include physical therapy....
Everyone wakes up feeling some pain in their joints or muscles from time to time. But if you find yourself consistently waking up stiff and achy, it might be time for pain-relief work with an Armor Physical Therapy physical therapist. Aching or stiff joints may be a...
You can expect to encounter some form of back pain at one point or another throughout your life. Back pain can be expected after lifting heavy objects or sitting for long periods of time. Usually, this kind of back pain is minor and can be treated by a few days of...