These 10 things could be the reason the arch of your foot hurts

If you’re experiencing discomfort or pain in the arch of your foot, you’re not alone. Nearly 1 in 4 people a year experience pain in the arch of their foot. Foot pain, especially in the arch area, can be caused by a variety of factors. Uncovering the underlying issue...

Physical therapy for toe walking: 4 ways physical therapy can help your toe-walking child

Toe walking is a condition where a person’s gait cycle, or the way they walk, is atypical. People who have this condition tend to walk on the balls of their feet and their heels don’t make contact with the ground. It’s common in younger children and usually will...

3 steps a physical therapist can take to ease foot and ankle pain

The foot and ankle are complex structures that hold a lot of responsibility for bearing weight and moving the body. This means that any injury or condition that affects these areas can make walking difficult, if not impossible.  Physical therapy for foot and ankle...

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What causes arch pain in the bottom of the foot?

What causes arch pain in the bottom of the foot?

Answering this question can be difficult, and the reason is that there are several issues that could be causing your pain. However, you are not the only one dealing with foot pain.  It’s been estimated that 77% of Americans have experienced foot pain at some point....


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