Can physical therapy help motor vehicle injuries?

Can Physical Therapy Help Following Motor Vehicle Injuries?

After a motor vehicle accident, there are so many things to take care of that it is not uncommon to dismiss the muscle soreness that follows and put off medical treatment. However, you should seek medical treatment from an auto accident specialist to examine you for injuries related to the crash. Many injuries take several hours or days for the symptoms to appear. To jump-start your recovery, itโ€™s in your best interest to begin a physical therapy treatment soon after the accident. If your injury was years ago, physical therapists can still help improve your function and mobility.

Common motor vehicle injuries

Not all injuries are visible. Microtears and scar tissue throughout your body can create stiffness and make you uncomfortable. Whiplash can restrict the movement of your neck, and head injuries can lead to more serious problems. Vertigo is a condition that affects balance, coordination and spatial awareness; it is common following a motor vehicle accident, but is not something that you have to live with. Our physical therapists can address the dysfunction in as little as one treatment.

Benefits of physical therapy for motor vehicle injuries

Physical therapy is noninvasive. It can help you recover faster following surgery and may even help you avoid surgery. When not properly treated, injuries such as whiplash can have a lasting impact on your range of motion. A physical therapist can help reduce the risk of reinjury, reduce your pain and increase mobility.

A personalized treatment plan that targets your specific injuries enhances healing, reduces pain, strengthens the body and is a cost-effective solution. There isnโ€™t a one-plan-fits-all approach, as every scenario is unique. Instead, a holistic approach is required. Utilizing manual manipulation, specific exercises, stretching and aquatic therapy, our specialists at Armor Physical Therapy will find a treatment plan perfect for you.

Donโ€™t put off your well-being. Your health and mobility following a car accident should be top priority; know that it is ours. We want to see you on the road to recovery. Contact us today to set up your initial appointment if you have, or suspect that you have, injuries from a motor vehicle crash.

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