6 ways going to pelvic floor physical therapy near you can change your daily life for the better

pelvic floor physical therapy near me

Managing your pelvic health can be crucial to staying safe and comfortable. Finding yourself dealing with persistent discomfort caused by pelvic health issues? Seeking treatment is essential. Pelvic health conditions, if left untreated, can take a major toll on your well-being. You may encounter inconvenience and new challenges in activities that were easy in the past. This is especially true of conditions affecting the pelvic floor.

The pelvic floor is a complex arrangement of muscles that support many of the body’s most important functions. When these muscles function improperly, the consequences can affect the entire body. People with pelvic floor dysfunction often experience pain, mobility limitations and other symptoms. Are you looking for a good solution to your pelvic floor issues? Physical therapy near you can be a life-altering experience. With the help of a physical therapist, you can navigate your condition and find treatments that work for you. Discovering the advantages of physical therapy for your pelvic floor can highlight why it is a leading treatment option.

6 advantages of pelvic floor physical therapy near you

  • Improved posture — Pelvic floor physical therapy focuses on strengthening pelvic muscles. Building strength in these muscles can help your body support its pelvic region. As a result, you will likely notice improvements in your posture. Developing your core muscles can also contribute to good posture. With physical therapy, you can develop a range of important muscles and learn how to use them properly. The techniques and posture tips you learn in physical therapy can extend far beyond your therapy sessions. You can experience the benefits of good posture in daily activities like sitting at your desk or walking down the street. Having better posture and a stronger core can enhance your overall stability. Besides reducing pelvic pain, this can also help prevent pain in other regions like your lower back.

  • Pain relief — Pelvic pain is one of the most common pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms. Painful pelvic conditions include endometriosis, muscle spasms and inflammatory conditions. Experiencing chronic pelvic pain can have a major negative impact on your life. You may frequently feel exhausted and upset by the persistent painful sensations. Fortunately, pelvic floor physical therapy can help you experience relief. Physical therapists work to identify the root cause of each patient’s pain. Once your condition is diagnosed, your physical therapist can work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. If you experience chronic pelvic pain, your treatment will include top-notch pain relief methods.

  • Restored functionality — Pelvic floor issues can disrupt the normal operations of your body. One frequently impacted function is urination. Many pelvic floor conditions have a negative effect on bladder function. Are you currently experiencing urinary incontinence or other bladder-related issues? If so, physical therapy can help. Your therapist can help you exercise the muscles responsible for supporting bladder function. With improved strength and control, you can work toward a full recovery of your capabilities.

  • Postpartum recovery — Childbirth can place significant stress on the pelvic muscles. This is why pregnancy often heightens the risk of pelvic floor issues. If you have recently given birth, pelvic floor physical therapy can be instrumental in your recovery. Your physical therapy treatment plan can be tailored to your current condition and rehab goals. With treatments including gradually adjusted exercises, you can work toward a rewarding recovery.

  • Stress reduction — Pelvic floor issues can cause a lot of physical and emotional stress. If you are experiencing increased stress, it is important to be aware of its cyclical nature. Chronic stress can contribute to muscle tension, which can in turn lead to further pain and discomfort. Physical therapy is a great way to break from this cycle. Your physical therapist can guide you through specialized relaxation techniques and exercises to reduce your stress levels.

  • Injury prevention — Want to be proactive with your health? Pelvic floor physical therapy can be an excellent choice for injury prevention. Keeping your pelvic floor muscles strong and flexible means your pelvic region stays resilient. Your physical therapist can also provide education on proper body mechanics to further reduce your risk of injury.

Find effective pelvic floor treatments near you at Armor Physical Therapy

Need a great treatment option for your pelvic floor condition? At Armor Physical Therapy, our team is ready to help you get the care you need. We are committed to offering a comprehensive approach to wellness. With our help and innovative treatments, you can progress toward reaching your full potential.

Call us or request an appointment today to get our help treating your pelvic floor condition.

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