3 reasons to turn to PT when chronic pain becomes too much

When Chronic Pain Becomes Too Much

More than 20% of adult Americans are living with chronic pain on a daily basis. When you’re used to chronic pain, it can feel hopeless to turn to a specialist for relief. But when chronic pain starts stopping you from doing what you want and infringing on your routine, it can be a sign to turn to PT. 

PT can help when your chronic pain becomes too much

Chronic pain is defined as pain that continuously occurs for more than 12 weeks. When your chronic pain becomes too much, physical therapy can help you manage it. Physical therapists can use specific exercises and techniques to increase your quality of life. The benefits of starting PT for chronic pain can include: 

  1. A detailed consultation — A thorough consultation can help physical therapists identify causes of chronic pain. In an initial consultation, a physical therapist may evaluate a patient’s:
  • Balance.
  • Mobility.
  • Strength.
  • Posture.
  • Endurance.

After a comprehensive examination, a physical therapist can pinpoint a patient’s weaknesses and concerns. This will help them map out an effective treatment plan tailored to that patient. Consultations can also help educate the patient on their body’s limitations and help them set realistic goals. 

  1. Access to powerful technology — Physical therapists have access to many technologies that facilitate treatment. For instance, electrical stimulation can encourage blood flow, engage muscles and decrease pain signals to the brain. Other technologies, like the AlterG® Anti-Gravity Treadmill, can reduce pressure and strain on joints and give patients the ability to exercise with minimal pain. Physical therapists can incorporate the newest technology into their treatment plan to address a patient’s chronic pain. 
  1. Manual therapy — In addition to helping patients exercise, physical therapists are trained in many manual therapy techniques. Manual therapy refers to hands-on treatment that targets injured or weak body parts. Soft tissue mobilization, for example, is applied directly by the physical therapist’s hands to minimize scar tissue, increase blood flow, reduce inflammation and increase mobility. Patients with chronic pain can benefit from the controlled pressure of manual therapy. 

Armor PT can help when your chronic pain becomes too much

Chronic pain can be difficult to manage, especially on your own. Our expert specialists at Armor Physical Therapy can help decrease your chronic pain so that you can get back to your daily routine with less discomfort. If your chronic pain becomes too much, contact us for more information or schedule an initial appointment. 

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