Can an injury cause arthritis?

Arthritis is a kind of condition that affects the joints, causing pain and inflammation. The knees and hips are some of the most vulnerable areas for arthritis, though it can affect joints throughout the body. The inflammation in the joints can lead to symptoms...

6 physical therapy methods that can help ease knee osteoarthritis symptoms

Knee osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is caused by the breakdown of cartilage, which cushions and protects the ends of bones in your knee joint. Cartilage breakdown causes pain, stiffness and swelling in your knee, thus creating the need for...

Three stretches physical therapists use for hip arthritis

Arthritis can make your hips feel tight and difficult to move, and this can make you feel like you don’t want to move around as much. In turn, not moving around enough can actually increase your hip arthritis pain.  There are many people who experience this chain of...

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Can an injury cause arthritis?

Can an injury cause arthritis?

Arthritis is a kind of condition that affects the joints, causing pain and inflammation. The knees and hips are some of the most vulnerable areas for arthritis, though it can affect joints throughout the body. The inflammation in the joints can lead to symptoms...

Is arthritis a disability?

Is arthritis a disability?

There are many conditions that force people to stop working or to work less. One of the most common of these conditions is arthritis.  It’s projected that 67 million Americans will be diagnosed with arthritis by 2025. Furthermore, U.S. health officials report that...


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