It’s currently estimated that around 4 million adults in the U.S. currently have had a knee replacement. Immediately following a knee replacement procedure, people often report experiencing knee pain. Interestingly, they report feeling shin and hip pain too. To learn...
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Our complete ACL rehabilitation exercise list (phases 1 through 4)
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are a common injury, with as many as 200,000 occurring every year in the U.S. These knee injuries often occur during sports. For instance, a sudden stop or change in direction while running can injure your ACL. In many cases,...
How can you benefit from doing physical therapy after carpal tunnel surgery?
After having surgery to remedy carpal tunnel syndrome, your body will begin healing. During this important time, you may experience pain, swelling and inflammation. This can make life difficult; it may put a damper on your daily life and make trivial tasks like...
What happens if you don’t do physical therapy after knee surgery? Four potential risks
It doesn’t matter if you find the best orthopedic surgeon in the world and he or she performs your knee surgery flawlessly, once you are discharged, so much of a successful recovery process depends on you. Along with post-operative instructions such as incision care,...
Three phases of physical therapy after rotator cuff surgery
The rotator cuff is a shoulder structure that’s made up of four muscles and tendons. This part of your shoulder is vital for moving your arm, and it also helps keep the upper arm bone firmly seated in the shoulder socket. When the rotator cuff is torn, surgery may be...
The Road to Recovery Starts Here
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