What should you do about neck pain at the base of your skull?

Neck Pain at the Base of Your Skull

Neck pain can develop for a number of different reasons and, although the area is relatively small, in a number of different locations. While many people experience neck pain in the middle and lower part of the cervical (upper) spinal region, some report the pain and other symptoms as originating near the base of the skull. Neck pain at the base of the skull can have a severe effect on your quality of life, making it very difficult to accomplish even the simplest tasks.ย 

We want to help anyone dealing with pain find the information they need to make an informed health care decision. By reading the following guide, you can learn more about what to do if youโ€™re dealing with upper neck pain. If youโ€™d like to learn more about the treatment options we offer at Armor Physical Therapy, please feel free to get in touch with us.ย 

Steps to relief for neck pain at the base of the skullย 

Since there can be so many different causes for neck pain, with varying treatments, it is absolutely essential to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Neck pain at the base of the skull can be caused by issues affecting the suboccipital muscles in this area, a spinal issue affecting the upper vertebrae and a range of other conditions and injuries.ย 

Here are the steps a doctor can take to diagnose the underlying cause of your neck pain:ย 

  • Review you and your familyโ€™s medical history to identify potential causes of pain
  • Ask questions about your specific symptoms and how they affect daily activities
  • Perform a hands-on examination to identify painful spots and assess range of motion
  • Order diagnostic testing such as an X-ray or MRI, if necessary

Once a diagnosis has been made, you can begin to discuss treatment options. For many patients, physical therapy can be highly effective and is commonly recommended to patients with all types of neck pain.ย 

How physical therapy helps patients dealing with neck pain at the base of skullย 

Physical therapy consists of active and passive methods, including manual therapy and strengthening exercises, designed to improve functioning and relieve pain. Your therapist can work with you to create a personalized plan based on your specific condition and your treatment goals. At our state-of-the-art clinics, the Armor Physical Therapy team is committed to helping you achieve the lasting relief youโ€™re looking for.ย 

To schedule your initial appointment, contact us today.ย 

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