How can you benefit from doing physical therapy after carpal tunnel surgery?

Physical Therapy After Carpal Tunnel Surgery

After having surgery to remedy carpal tunnel syndrome, your body will begin healing. During this important time, you may experience pain, swelling and inflammation. This can make life difficult; it may put a damper on your daily life and make trivial tasks like putting your clothes on uncomfortable. Physical therapy can help reduce your symptoms and may help you heal faster. Post-surgical rehabilitation is a safe and effective form of physical therapy. It can help promote your recovery after having carpal tunnel surgery.

Are you wondering if physical therapy can help you after carpal tunnel surgery? Learn about some benefits of physical therapy after having an operation

Benefits of physical therapy after carpal tunnel surgeryย 

Recovering from a surgery can be an uncomfortable experience. Physical therapists are there to help manage your post-op carpal tunnel symptoms and help promote a healthy recovery. Some of the goals of physical therapy after a carpal tunnel operation include:

  • Reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation around the wrist and hand.
  • Promote faster wound healing.
  • Minimize scar tissue.
  • Improve wrist range of motion and flexibility. 
  • Strengthen wrist and hand muscles.
  • Restore your functional mobility (your ability to move your wrist and hand during certain tasks like typing, using a phone, writing, etc.).
  • Educate you about ergonomic principles to prevent future wrist issues.
  • Improve circulation to the wrist and the hand.
  • Help to reduce the risk of post-surgical blood clots.

Armor Physical Therapy is prepared to help you recover after carpal tunnel surgeryย 

If you have had or are thinking about carpal tunnel surgery, consider physical therapy afterward. There are numerous physical therapy techniques that can benefit you and help promote your recovery. Our team at Armor Physical Therapy can help you reduce the pain you feel after having an operation. We can also help restore any lost flexibility in your wrist or hand. We are prepared to build you a personalized treatment plan to help alleviate your postoperative pain and to strengthen your wrist and hand.

Contact our team today for more information about how we can treat you after carpal tunnel surgery or to schedule an initial appointment. 

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