It’s normal to experience a little soreness in your lower back from sitting or standing too long. This kind of pain can usually be treated with some rest or light exercise. However, some forms of back pain are too severe to be treated by rest and exercise alone. This...
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Electrical stimulation therapy in Portage, MI
If you’ve recently been injured or have been suffering from chronic pain, it’s a good idea to visit a healthcare professional for help. Many people choose to visit physical therapists for help because they are experts in the musculoskeletal system. This includes your...
Physical therapy in Plainwell, MI
It is wise to seek professional healthcare assistance when you’ve been injured or are suffering from pain. Healthcare professionals can diagnose the cause of your pain and develop treatments to help you recover. Many of these treatments include physical therapy....
Feeling Stiff and Achy? Physical Therapy Can Help!
Everyone wakes up feeling some pain in their joints or muscles from time to time. But if you find yourself consistently waking up stiff and achy, it might be time for pain-relief work with an Armor Physical Therapy physical therapist. Aching or stiff joints may be a...
Why you need physical therapy for degenerative disc disease
The name “degenerative disc disease” is a bit outdated, but the condition itself is not. That’s because degenerative disc disease (DDD) is not actually a disease, but is related to natural wear and tear that can affect the discs in your spine over time. This is a...
Common Causes of Back Pain and When to Seek Treatment
Back pain is more than discomfort. It can be debilitating. With back pain, it’s difficult to perform normal daily tasks like walking or picking up objects or sitting. The causes of back pain vary and are not always serious. Sometimes back pain is the result of strain...
Common Causes of Shoulder Pain and When to Seek Treatment
When your shoulder hurts, it can be due to a number of reasons. Shoulder pain can be the result of a condition or injury affecting the bones, cartilage, muscles, ligaments or a combination of more than one of these. Some forms of shoulder pain are minor and are...
Common Causes of Neck Pain and When to Seek Treatment
Neck pain makes life difficult. When it’s too difficult to look up or down or left or right, it’s too difficult to do just about anything else. Causes of neck pain vary, and in many cases, neck pain is not serious. However, if the pain is severe, lasts for more than a...
Causes of Headaches and When to Seek Treatment
Sometimes headaches are minor and easy to ignore. You may be able to push through the day by drinking more water or taking some pain medication. However, some headaches are difficult to ignore because the pain is too severe or long lasting. In these cases, it can be...
Find a Physical Therapist in Mattawan, Michigan
Injuries and debilitating conditions can make it difficult to live a full quality of life. If you’re suffering from pain, loss of strength and loss of mobility due to a physical condition, you should consider physical therapy for treatment. Physical therapists are...
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