There are many causes of neck pain. Debilitating pain and discomfort in this area could stem from a variety of factors like your muscles tightening from added stress in your life, degeneration of the vertebrae and discs in the neck as you age or neck strain caused by...
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How does therapeutic exercise help recovery?
Therapeutic exercise is one of the pillars of physical therapy and rehabilitation. Patients undergo physical therapy for a broad spectrum of reasons, from postoperative recovery to rehabilitation from a sports injury. Some people even see physical therapists for...
Is spinal stenosis causing your back or neck pain?
You may think you’re having back or neck pain from a pulled muscle or some other simple injury. However, you may actually be suffering from a condition called spinal stenosis. If you’re experiencing back pain, neck pain or other symptoms, you may want to find out if...
At-home physical therapy treatments
When most people think of physical therapy, they probably think of in-office sessions with a clinician who performs stretches and movements with the patient. While this is indeed a key part of most treatment programs, did you know that at-home treatments are also...
What are the benefits of manual therapy?
Manual therapy is a fundamental part of physical therapy that involves an assortment of hands-on techniques to treat patients who are dealing with pain and limited mobility. Physical therapy can help patients who are dealing with a very wide range of problems,...
Physical therapy in Plainwell, MI
Physical therapy is a highly effective form of treatment for a broad range of injuries and conditions—and select physical therapy generally means you are looking for the best. After all, if you want to find the lasting relief you deserve, you should put yourself in...
Physical therapy exercise in Plainwell, MI
Physical therapy exercises are movement strategies that help your body improve its function. They are considered an active element of every rehab program. Health professionals also recommend therapeutic exercises to patients under passive treatments such as...
Cluster headache treatment
A cluster headache is a very severe episodic form of a headache disorder that comes with intense pain. The clusters are relatively short, extremely painful and seasonal, with varying remission times. At first, most people mistake the symptoms of this condition for...
Physical therapy in Battle Creek, MI
Physical therapy can be an uncomfortable part of the recovery process. It requires the patient to put forth their best effort to get back to where they were before their injury or operation. But patients who stick to a treatment program will on average recover faster...
Treating a rotator cuff injury with physical therapy
The rotator cuff is the part of your shoulder that, as you guessed it, is responsible for rotation. It is made up of muscles, ligaments and tendons that work together to connect the arm to the rest of your body and move your arm. With full range of motion, you can...
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