Three stretches physical therapists use for hip arthritis

Arthritis can make your hips feel tight and difficult to move, and this can make you feel like you don’t want to move around as much. In turn, not moving around enough can actually increase your hip arthritis pain.  There are many people who experience this chain of...

Two physical therapy exercises that can help your hips

Your hip joints are some of the most important structures in your body, and they’re involved in normal daily activities like walking, running and climbing stairs. However, problems with the muscles around your hip can trigger pain and other symptoms.  Hip pain is a...

What are the treatment options for a partial rotator cuff tear?

Each of your shoulders is able to support the weight of your arms and power your arms for a wide range of activities thanks to the rotator cuffs. Each rotator cuff is a group of muscles, tendons and ligaments around the bones of the shoulder joint. These muscles,...

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