When most people think of physical therapy, they often picture a post-surgery rehabilitation process with weekly appointments where you stretch and push your healing limbs to the limit. But physical therapy offers so much more. Because of our specialists’ unique...
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7 top physical therapy exercises that can improve your posture
Your posture likely isn’t something that you think about on a daily basis. But it’s important to take note of when your neck is overextended or your shoulders are slouched, because poor posture can lead to issues in the future. It can feel like posture is difficult to...
Do compression socks help treat shin splints?
If you are a highly active individual, you may sometimes overuse parts of your body. This can lead to health issues. In serious cases of injury, sports rehabilitation can help on your path to recovery. If your lower legs are overworked, you can end up with shin...
3 TMJ physical therapy exercises that can help ease your jaw pain
Many people experience jaw pain at least once in their life, but consistent pain in the jaw joint is called temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. Unfortunately, about 25% of people are diagnosed with a TMJ disorder that leads to pain and inflammation. Many cases...
Explore 3 exercises PT experts can use to cut biceps tendinitis pain
Biceps tendinitis is a disorder that affects the upper arm between the shoulder and elbow. The main symptom of biceps tendinitis is pain when moving the arm or shoulder. It occurs when the biceps tendon becomes inflamed or irritated. You can develop biceps tendinitis...
How can physical therapists help with slip, trip and fall prevention?
Physical therapists play an important role in helping with slip, trip and fall prevention. One of those roles is identifying mobility issues. Mobility issues are those that affect gait, balance and coordination. These conditions can make it difficult to navigate...
Three stretches physical therapists use for hip arthritis
Arthritis can make your hips feel tight and difficult to move, and this can make you feel like you don’t want to move around as much. In turn, not moving around enough can actually increase your hip arthritis pain. There are many people who experience this chain of...
Two physical therapy exercises that can help your hips
Your hip joints are some of the most important structures in your body, and they’re involved in normal daily activities like walking, running and climbing stairs. However, problems with the muscles around your hip can trigger pain and other symptoms. Hip pain is a...
What are the treatment options for a partial rotator cuff tear?
Each of your shoulders is able to support the weight of your arms and power your arms for a wide range of activities thanks to the rotator cuffs. Each rotator cuff is a group of muscles, tendons and ligaments around the bones of the shoulder joint. These muscles,...
Looking for fibromyalgia treatment options? Try physical therapy
A daily battle with pain. Having difficulty sleeping, and constantly walking around in a mental haze. These issues are some of the things that people with fibromyalgia are dealing with. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that affects up to 12 million people in...
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