Is sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy normal?

sciatic nerve pain pregnancy

It’s no secret that pregnancy takes a toll on women’s bodies. What might surprise you is the many different ways it can affect you. As the baby grows, you will carry extra weight on the front side of your body. This can strain your back muscles and your spine, which can lead to a condition called sciatica.

Your sciatic nerve is a large nerve running from your lower back into the back of each of your legs. Strain on your lower back muscles and spine can irritate the sciatic nerve and cause painful inflammation. This feels like a burning, stinging, tingling sensation in your lower back and one of your legs.

Sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy is a normal challenge women have to face. The good news is, there is something you can do about it.

Treating sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy with physical therapy

Physical therapists are licensed health care professionals who specialize in treating conditions that affect your muscle, soft tissue, bones and joints. They can work with you to examine your condition and guide you through a personalized treatment routine designed to gently and safely address your sciatic pain.

Physical therapy for sciatica includes:

  • Gentle stretches to help improve muscular strength and flexibility in your back and core.
  • Gentle exercises to help improve strength and support for your upper body.
  • Manual therapy to help reduce tension in your muscles and improve your range of motion.
  • Posture guidance to help you correct any errors in your posture that may be making your pain worse.
  • Other advice, such as nutritional advice or some tips for how to complete certain tasks without making your pain worse.

Visit Armor Physical Therapy for sciatica treatment

You already have a lot to deal with when you’re with child. Sciatic nerve pain shouldn’t have to be another issue. Our physical therapists at Armor Physical Therapy can work with you to help reduce your sciatic nerve pain to help you get through these challenging but rewarding months. Contact our team today for more information about sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy or to schedule an initial appointment.

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