Golf-related shoulder pain — relief and prevention

Golf Shoulder Pain Relief and Prevention

Whether due to a minor muscle strain or a torn rotator cuff, golf-related shoulder pain can take you away from your favorite game and even start to disrupt normal daily activities. If you’re a golfer who is experiencing shoulder pain, it’s critical to take this seriously and not try to just “play through the pain.” By not getting adequate rest and or refusing to take proper treatment measures, you can increase the risk of turning a minor injury into a much more serious one. 

For aches and pains that persist for more than a few days to a week at most, it’s important to see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. By performing a physical examination and ordering diagnostic testing if needed, your doctor can determine the underlying cause of your shoulder pain and help you develop a comprehensive treatment plan to find relief. 

Physical therapy is a very important part of the treatment process for golf-related shoulder pain. Not only can it help you find relief and a return to normal activity, but it can also help improve the long-term health of your shoulder. 

Benefits of physical therapy for golf shoulder pain

When you meet with a physical therapist, he or she can help identify some of the mechanical, postural and structural issues that could be contributing to your shoulder injury. After reviewing any pertinent medical information, asking questions about your symptoms and performing movement tests, your therapist can recommend a personalized treatment, including methods like: 

  • Movement training to learn biomechanics that reduce stress on your shoulder.
  • Stretches to help increase flexibility and range of motion.
  • Strengthening exercises to increase the resiliency of the shoulder.

Additionally, physical therapy should be supplemented with healthy lifestyle choices that include proper posture, eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water. Once cleared to return to the game, golfers should also attempt to learn more shoulder-friendly swinging techniques as well as safer warm-ups to help reduce the risk of re-injury. 

Work with the experienced professionals at Armor Physical Therapy

We’ve been helping golfers and other athletes find the shoulder pain relief they deserve for years. Our clinic director, Erik Heinlein, has achieved a certification through the Titleist Performance Institute to assess golfers through a battery tests and swing analysis to better understand the cause of a persistent painful problem. When you come to us, you can expect highly personalized care and a treatment team that will help you build a customized program based on your treatment goals. If golf is your passion, we want to help you get back to it while still promoting the long-term health of your shoulder. 

Contact us today to learn more and to schedule your initial appointment with one of our friendly representatives.

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